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洲際酒店集團在新奧爾良、內布拉斯加州和科羅拉多州開設英迪格酒店 IHG opens Hotel Indigo properties in New Orleans, Nebraska and Colorado

(英文原文:Business Traveller)

洲際酒店集團酒店及度假村將其英迪格酒店品牌帶到了美國的新奧爾良、內布拉斯加州和科羅拉多州。Hotel Indigo Silverthorne是該品牌在美國的第一家山腰酒店,位於科羅拉多州的小鎮Silverthorne,位於布雷肯里奇度假村和銅山度假村之間。

路易斯安那州迎來了擁有143間客房的新奧爾良英迪格酒店 – 法國區,它位於中央商務區,位於世界上最古老的連續運營的街道鐵路沿線。 酒店位於歷史悠久的聖查爾斯酒店曾經所在的十字路口,設有餐廳休息室 Common Interest,提供現代風味的傳統新奧爾良美食。最後,內布拉斯加州奧馬哈市中心英迪格酒店擁有豐富的質感元素和現代客房。 該酒店的地下酒吧Anna’s Place位於酒店大堂內,提供由當地烈酒和原料製成的禁酒雞尾酒。

IHG Hotels and Resorts has brought its Hotel Indigo brand to New Orleans, Nebraska and Colorado in the US.

Carol Hoeller, vice president global brand management at Hotel Indigo, commented:

“We’re excited to continue expanding the Hotel Indigo portfolio within this important market, bringing even more unique stays to meet guests’ expectations. After two years of putting plans on pause, many travelers are looking forward to embracing authentic new experiences as well as rediscovering their own backyard. The latest Hotel Indigo openings offer rich options to immerse in vibrant and varied neighborhoods, from a mountain retreat to a cultural melting pot, coupled with inspiring design and welcoming service that have become brand hallmarks.”

Hotel Indigo Silverthorne marks the brand’s first mountainside hotel in the US, located in the small town of Silverthorne in Colorado between the resorts of Breckenridge and Copper Mountain.

The 111-room hotel features warm earthy accents and artwork influenced by the natural surroundings, while rooms include gold patterns as a nod to those who originally came to the town to mine for the metal.

The property also has its very own ski shop and on-property bike rentals, as well as a heated indoor pool with patio views. The Kucu Bistro and Tequila Bar – ‘kucu’ meaning ‘buffalo’ in reference to the nearby Buffalo Mountain – serves local fare.

Louisiana has welcomed the 143-room Hotel Indigo New Orleans – French Quarter, located in the Central Business District along the world’s oldest continuously operating street railway. The hotel is situated at the intersection where the historic St Charles Hotel once stood, and includes restaurant lounge Common Interest, which serves a contemporary twist on traditional New Orleans cuisine.

Finally, Hotel Indigo Omaha Downtown in Nebraska features rich, textural elements and modern guest rooms. The property’s speakeasy Anna’s Place sits within the hotel lobby and offers Prohibition-inspired cocktails crafted from local spirits and ingredients.

Hotel Indigo currently operates 129 properties globally, including the recently opened Hotel Indigo Belgrade in Serbia and Hotel Indigo Cagnes-sur-mer in France. The brand has another 116 hotels in the pipeline with openings this year including Hotel Indigo Karuizawa in Japan, Hotel Indigo Galapagos in Ecuador and Hotel Indigo Vienna – Naschmarkt in Austria.

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