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希爾頓Curio將於2022年春季開幕遺失物聖保羅倫敦 Curio by Hilton to open Lost Property St Paul’s London in spring 2022

(英文原文:Business Traveller)

希爾頓旗下Curio Collection品牌下的最新倫敦酒店現在有了名稱和暫定開業日期。

Business Traveller於2019年初首次報導了這家擁有145間客房的酒店的計劃——該酒店將位於二級保護的Creed Court大樓後面,位於Ludgate Hill和Creed Lane的拐角處——希爾頓現已確認該酒店將被命名為 失物招領聖保羅倫敦希爾頓Curio精選系列。

Hilton’s latest London hotel under its Curio Collection brand now has a name and a tentative opening date.

Business Traveller first reported on plans for the 145-room property – which will be housed behind the Grade II listed Creed Court building on the corner of Ludgate Hill and Creed Lane – in early 2019, and Hilton has now confirmed that the hotel will be called Lost Property St Paul’s London, Curio Collection by Hilton.

The hotel is set to open in spring 2022, and will feature a ground-floor restaurant and bar, as well as a barista café, and six floors of rooms, some with views across to St Paul’s Cathedral, which is located around 100 metres from the hotel.

Developer Dominvs Group lists a website for the hotel of, which at present goes through to a landing page where visitors can sign up for more information.

Hilton recently opened its sixth Curio hotel in London, with the unveiling of The Gantry London opposite Stratford International station.

The Lost Property will join Curio’s London portfolio which also includes the recently rebranded Westminster London (previously known as the Doubletree by Hilton London Westminster), The Trafalgar St James, 100 Queen’s Gate, Lincoln Plaza and Hart Shoreditch.

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