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台北中山九昱希爾頓逸林酒店 DoubleTree By Hilton Taipei Zhongshan

入住日期 / Stay: 2021.09.22-2021.09.23 (1晚 / 1 Nights)
服務 / Service                         ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
舒適 / Comfortableness        ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
餐飲 / Dining                           ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
網路 / Internet                        ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
網站 / Website:
電子郵件信箱 / E-mail:

這是今年第二次入住台北中山九昱希爾頓逸林酒店,這應該是我國內最喜歡的希爾頓酒店了。飯店人員的親切和高水準的服務的確讓人想再次回住。這次很幸運可以升等到套房,因為房間數不多,我在下午一點抵達的時候需要等候房間清潔,於是就在大廳酒吧「La Salle 森」使用午餐以及贈送給希爾頓鑽卡會員的迎賓飲料。用完餐後大約兩點半,房間已經準備好可以入住了。

This is my second time staying at DoubleTree by Hilton Taipei Zhongshan this year. It is probably my favorite Hilton hotel in Taiwan. The kindness and excellent service of the hotel staff definitely makes guests want to stay again. I was lucky to get room upgrade to the suite. My room was prepared when I arrived around 1pm, so I waited at the lobby lounge “La Salle” with lunch and free welcome drink for Hilton Diamond members. My room was ready after I finished the lunch around 2:30pm.

這間位在角落的套房非常漂亮也很舒適,走道呈L型。一進門首先是客廳,沙發夠大也非常舒服,進門後左邊是衣物間,右邊有mini bar,大面積的書桌辦公起來也很方便,整片面對中山北路的落地窗讓房間顯得明亮,客廳走到底左轉就是臥房,一大床面對著電視機,再往裡面走就是浴室,也是這間飯店最受歡迎的網美照景點,浴缸緊鄰整片落地窗,可以瞭望站前新光三越大樓,浴室雖然小,但是整片落地窗卻為整間套房大大加了分。

This corner suite is very beautfil and comfortable. The walkway is L-shaped. At the entrance is the living room with a large and cozy sofa. The closet is on the left side, and the mini bar is on the right side. The large table is convenient for working. The floor-to-ceiling windows facing Zhongshan North Road make the room bright. Left turn from the living room is the bedroom with one king bed facing a large TV. Further inside the room is the bathroom. This is the most popular spot for instagram-worthy photo in this hotel.

希爾頓鑽卡的禮遇除了房間升等之外,還包含兩客免費早餐、兩張迎賓飲料券、以及一袋飲料零食,另外餐飲也有75折優惠。房間mini bar裡的兩罐軟性飲料也是免費使用的。因為疫情關係,二樓餐廳「Alley麗」並未開放內用,早餐則是台西式二選一在房內使用,我各式選了一個。

In addition to the room upgrade, the benefits for Hilton Honors Diamond includes free breakfast for two, 2 welcome drink vouchers, one bag of snacks and soft drink, and 25% on food & beverage in the restaurants. Two bottles of soft drink in the mini bar are also free. Due to COVID-19, the “Alley” restaurant on the second floor is not open for dine-in. Breakfast is served as room service and can be selected between Taiwanese and Western styles.


Gym is still open for 24 hours, but guests are required to wear mask there. However, not many people use the gym on weekdays.

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